课程简介:More specific on companies and people: how they work, what roles they play. No part of the Dutch economy is growing as fast as the business services industry. The programme has a multidisciplinary focus. Thus, the students start by specializing in a particular business process and study this using knowledge from several disciplines. As the programme is an academic one, it provides the student with rigorous academic training and acquaints him with state-of-the-art theoretical background. The MSc in Business Administration is a one-year full-time programme. Upon successful completion of the course, you will have obtained specialist knowledge in the area of your specialization and you will receive an internationally recognized Master of Science degree (MSc) in Business Administration. You complete the programme by writing a Master's thesis about your own research on a specific topic in the master's specialization programme of Business Administration. This is supervised by one of the tutors,lectures, case studies, discussion groups, individual assignments etc. A student obtains expertise in a particular area of study, combined with practical skills which together form the basis for a graduate career. At the end, students finish writing their master's theses. To this end the student carries out an independent academic research project and reports on this in his thesis. The master's thesis is written individually and takes about 3 months.
学校简介:阿姆斯特丹自由大学成立于19世纪末期, Vrije'荷兰语中意为‘脱离宗教和国家’。这一独特背景促成了自由大学外向型的教学氛围:态度严谨、以学生为本、对公众负责。学校现有15 个系,3500名教职工和14000 名学生。学校非常注重管理与社会发展的密切联系,并将教学质量作为学校生存的根本点。为此,学校被荷兰政府授予了HogerOnderwijsprijs 称号,荷兰政府每两年向有杰出表现的学校颁发一次此荣誉称号。该大学的年度预算约为5亿美元,约三分之二来自荷兰政府。